Health & Dental

    Results: 14

  • AIDS/HIV (8)



    Individuals who are at risk or have tested positive for infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), or have developed AIDS which is caused by the HIV virus and impairs the function of the body's immune system leaving affected individuals vulnerable to illnesses that would not otherwise occur.
  • Audiology (2)



    Programs that provide a variety of nonmedical evaluations to determine the range, nature and extent of hearing loss and rehabilitation services for people whose hearing impairments cannot be improved by medical or surgical means. Audiologists evaluate hearing, identify hearing disorders, assess hearing aids and teach clients to conserve hearing and use residual hearing.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (1)

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing


    Programs that help individuals recover from a traumatic event such as combat experiences, rape, molestation, catastrophic loss or natural disaster through a procedure which uses physical movement in combination with other therapeutic techniques. The process is based on the hypothesis that traumatization causes an overexcitement of a specific locus of the brain producing a neural pathology that "freezes" the information in its original anxiety-producing form. EMDR permits the "frozen" information to be desensitized, reprocessed and adaptively integrated resulting in diffusion of the traumatic imagery and a reduction of negative client symptoms, e.g., emotional distress, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks and nightmares.
  • Health Education (4)

    Health Education


    Programs that provide information that improves the public's understanding of living and working conditions and other factors that safeguard their health and prevent or reduce the risk of injury, disease, disability and premature death. Health education programs help people make informed decisions about matters which affect their personal health and the health of others. They inform the public of health and safety hazards, help people modify behaviors that compromise their health, encourage people to take advantage of early detection programs and provide information about treatment and rehabilitation options for people who have an illness, injury or disability. They also provide anticipatory information or guidance to help people deal with and understand specific medical procedures, being hospitalized or other necessary interfaces with the health care system.
  • HIV Testing (4)

    HIV Testing


    Programs that offer HIV tests which are used to identify individuals who have been infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and are at risk for developing AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or which are used to measure progression of the disease in people known to be infected. The most common HIV screening test is the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) which most frequently uses peripheral blood drawn from the arm or a finger as a sample, but can also be conducted using serum, oral fluids or urine. Repeatedly reactive EIA tests are confirmed using the Western blot or the immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The most common test that is used to measure disease progression is the PCR (polymeraise chain reaction) or viral load test. Many programs that provide HIV testing also provide pre-testing and post-test counseling which includes information about AIDS/HIV, reducing risks for HIV transmission, emotional support to help the individual deal with the testing process and test results, and information about and referral to other AIDS-related services.
  • Hospitals (2)



    Medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses or injuries require that they occupy a bed for at least one night. Hospitals can be distinguished by the level of care they offer (general acute, subacute, extended acute care), the auspices under which they operate which also, in some cases, defines the patients they serve (city/county, state, Veteran's Affairs, military hospitals), and the medical conditions they specialize in treating (specialty hospitals).
  • Integrated Physical/Mental Health Services (1)

    Integrated Physical/Mental Health Services


    Systematically coordinated, patient-centered physical and mental health care delivered by a team of primary care and mental health clinicians in either a primary care or mental health setting. The objectives of coordinated mental health, substance use and primary care services are to increase access to appropriate prevention, treatment, recovery and wellness services and activities; reduce disparities between the availability of services for people with mental health and substance use disorders as compared with the availability of services for people with other medical conditions; and to ensure that mental and physical health services are well integrated and coordinated among service providers.
  • Mobile Health Care (1)

    Mobile Health Care


    Programs that use specially equipped mobile vehicles to deliver basic health care services to vulnerable and/or remote populations that are unable to access a community health care facility. The mobile clinics make scheduled stops in different neighborhoods and offer a wide variety of services which may include general physical examinations, pediatric services, health screening, vision screening, flu shots, childhood immunizations, laboratory services, WIC certification, STD screening and treatment, family planning services, pregnancy testing and treatment for minor illnesses. Included are street medicine programs that use outreach workers to seek out and provide primary health care services for unsheltered homeless people living on the streets, under bridges, in abandoned buildings or wherever else they stay.
  • Pain Management (1)

    Pain Management


    Multidisciplinary programs that specialize in the treatment of individuals who have chronic, severe pain of organic origin that has not responded to medical or surgical therapy. Treatment is individualized and may include occupational therapy, muscle relaxation, behavior modification, stress management, biofeedback, psychological and psychosocial counseling, nutrition counseling, food allergy testing, exercise programs and a variety of physical intervention techniques including electrical stimulation of selected peripheral nerves and laser biostimulation.
  • Respite Care (3)

    Respite Care


    Programs that provide a brief period of relief or rest for family members, guardians or other people who are regular caregivers for dependent adults or children by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening (2)

    Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening


    Programs that identify individuals who have contracted gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes or other diseases that are spread by sexual contact and diagnose their conditions. The procedure includes visual examinations, blood tests and analyses of discharge or samples taken from lesions.
  • Telemedicine (16)



    Programs that allow health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients in remote locations using telecommunications technology. Telemedicine permits two-way, real time interactive communication between the patient, and the physician or other practitioners at a distant site. Some programs may also incorporate other forms of communication including transfer of medical information such as CT scans, MRIs, ultrasound studies, radiographic images and pathology images to medical personnel at another site for review and analysis. The technology is also being used in other related areas of practice (e.g., mental health, substance use disorders, gambling) as well as for teaching and remote caregiving purposes.
  • Tuberculosis Screening (4)

    Tuberculosis Screening


    Programs that identify individuals who have contracted tuberculosis by administering chest x-rays; the Mantoux test, the von Pirquet test or the Vollmer patch test, all of which determine the presence of a tuberculosis infection based on a local inflammatory reaction to a sample of the bacillus which has been injected or rubbed into the skin; or other screening tools.
  • Wellness Programs (3)

    Wellness Programs


    Programs that offer individual and/or group sessions which assist participants to understand how their lifestyle impacts their physical and mental health and to develop personal practices that enhance their total well-being. Wellness programs are holistic and combine a variety of components which may include a general physical examination that is tailored to the individual's needs; an evaluation of the person's pattern of exercise, eating habits, sources of stress and other lifestyle elements that are potential risk factors; and the development and implementation of an individualized plan for prevention management and early intervention to optimize health and performance which may include physical fitness sessions, nutrition counseling, stress reduction techniques, biofeedback, practice in assuming responsibility for one's choices, and other specific measures for avoiding physical and mental health problems.